Diagnosing AC problems can get tricky. Many common AC problems can be diagnosed and fixed without calling a professional. Here are five AC diagnostic tips.
Much of the United States is facing an extreme heatwave, and summer has just begun. A lot of us will be spending more time at home than usual this summer, so it’s important that our living spaces are cool and comfortable.
Whether you have a window AC, floor unit, HVAC system or another air conditioner, diagnosing AC problems is sometimes tricky. If you’re not sure what the issue might be, take a look at this quick list of common reasons for broken air conditioners.
- Take a Look at the Thermostat
Temperatures have been up and down in some parts of the country, so the first troubleshooting tip is the easiest: Take a look at your AC thermostat. It’s possible that it’s just not set to the temperature you want it to be at.
If it’s set to the right number, check the manual and make sure it’s programmed correctly. If you’re lucky, you’ll have a couple of buttons to push to set things right.
- Are the Filters Clogged?
You might make a mask out of a pillowcase, but would you make a mask out of a pillow?
Like how all those fibers and feathers would get in the way of your breathing, an air conditioner filter stops your AC unit from “breathing” when it’s clogged with dust, hair, and other particulates.
AC filters have to be changed regularly in order for your air conditioner to run at max strength and to give you the cleanest air possible. At a certain point, filters become too dirty for the air conditioner to run at all.
- Is the Power on?
The power doesn’t have to be out around your entire house for the power to your air conditioning unit to be shut off. Especially in the case of whole-house air conditioning, one breaker may be dedicated primarily to the AC unit. If such a circuit breaker is tripped, flipping it may be all you have to do to get your air conditioning up and running.
Checking the power isn’t often a part of floor unit or window AC repair, but if you aren’t running other things from the same outlet, an apparently broken window air conditioner or floor unit AC could be a circuit breaker problem as well.
- Are the Batteries Spent?
While air conditioners don’t run on batteries, thermostats sometimes do.
If the thermostat appears to be set properly and the air conditioner is running, but the temperature is all wrong, open the thermostat up, and replace the batteries. That may be all there is to your broken AC unit!
- Diagnosing AC Problems Can Take a Professional
If you’ve tried the last four tips and your AC still fails on you, it may be time to get a professional involved.
In the best of broken air conditioning cases, a homeowner is able to identify and fix AC problems. In most cases, you can find the issue, but not fix it. When you can’t, it’s time to look up “AC repair near me,” and leave the diagnostics to the pros.
Live in Comfort and Style This Summer
With these five tips for diagnosing AC problems, you can keep the cool air flowing all summer long. While you sit back and relax in your 65-degree home, why not take the opportunity to keep learning ways to solve problems and better your life?
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